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Sunday 10 November 2013

Xbox One won't play 3D Blu-rays at launch

The Xbox One will be the first Microsoft console to play Blu-rays, which should please longtime Xbox fans. But not all of the format's discs will work on the console, not at first anyway. When it launches, the Xbox One won't play 3D Blu-rays, Microsoft has confirmed to our parent site CNET.
But that doesn't mean it'll never be able to. Microsoft hasn't ruled out adding the feature at some point in the future. Hopefully it'll arrive in time for Gravity's release on 3D Blu-ray.
You might think this oversight leaves an open goal for Sony's PS4, but Sony is yet to say if its console will play 3D Blu-rays. The PS3 plays them, so I'd imagine the PS4 will too, but nothing is official yet. Sony recently posted a pretty exhaustive FAQ on the PS4, but left out the question of 3D Blu-rays. It's also detailed the system software update 1.5 which you'll need to install on day one. This mentions you'll be able to watch DVDs and Blu-rays -- once you've connected to the Internet to activate the feature, that is -- but again the question of 3D movies is conspicuous by its absence.
I've put in a request to Sony, and will update this story if I hear back.
Both the PS4 and Xbox One will need system software updates to install new features. So as soon as you unbox them, you'll have to wait for a download. Which seems a bit of a pain.
The PS4 was subjected to an official teardown recently. Check it out if you're interested in the design decisions behind the console.
Both Sony and Microsoft's machines will be on sale soon. The PS4 launches in the US on Friday, but us Brits will have to wait until 29 November. The Xbox One, meanwhile, touches down on these shores a week earlier, on 22 November.
Which one will you be buying? Is the ability to play 3D movies a deal breaker? Let me know in the comments, or on our Facebook page.

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